Why You Need A Brand Session

Ahh, the frequently asked question in my inbox. Why on earth do you need brand photography for your business? 

I get it, you’re fine, you’re slowly growing, heck you’re even making money… why spend that money on photography?

Brand Photography is more than just good images, it’s your resume, your first impression, and sets the tone.

yyc brand photography stock

Here are my top 6 reasons you need a brand session.


Your selfies and grainy photos taken in poor light are barely cutting it. While you might be able to show up on social media like this, you’re losing out on customers with a shorter attention span. Capture their attention, make that awesome first impression and let them know YOU take yourself seriously, YOU take your business seriously. Your images are of the quality that your service/product/resource is.

2.Know, Like, Trust

Clients want to know who you are, what you do, and how you run your ship. We are curious creatures, let us into your world. By having images of YOU in your element you’re opening up your customers and loyal followers to building a relationship where they feel connected to you. Humans are more likely to spend their money with a company they know. The more they know, the more they like, and the more they trust.

3.Cohesive Brand

We are building brand awareness friend! Clients and customers should be able to see a photo/product and make the connection that it’s your brand. Having a cohesive brand is much like the importance of having consistency in the products/services you are providing.

4.Raise Your Prices

When you use your images to level up your brand identity, you also get to level up what you’re charging. A professional appearance, cohesive brand, and quality imagery allow you to confidently raise your prices by 10-20%.

5.Library of Content

I know just as well about the struggle on what to post next. When you finally get the idea you’ll want an easy library of on-brand images to pull from to hit publish. A brand session will help solve half of this problem, you’ll still need to write your own content.


I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve received a last minute panic email from a business owner. “I’ve been approved for a publication, hired as a speaker, need a headshot for XYZ, and need it LIKE YESTERDAY”. Don’t get to this point, last-minute sessions will never create the results like those from a well-planned brand session.


Don’t have brand images yet?

You’ve landed in the right spot.

If you’ve made it this far and are ready to start planning your brand photography session, you can fill out the inquiry form on this page.