How to show BTS Content in your Branding Photos

You are more than the work you do behind your computer! Behind the scenes content is incredibly important for any business - whether you sell a product, provide a service, or even if you are an influencer. Branding photos should be more than just a headshot - you need to show your work in a way that even people mindlessly scrolling on Instagram can understand (and then buy).

Let me just cut to the chase - I know right now you might be thinking "but I just work on my computer". I'm here to tell you that I know for a fact that's not true. Let's dig a little deeper and brainstorm exactly what is happening on that computer of yours and more importantly, what YOU bring into every product or service! After all, you're more than just your job as well.

Calgary Branding Photographer

Can I pop in with a quick intro so you know whose advice you are taking? I'm Sarah and I am a Calgary branding photographer and owner of Calgary's newest (and cutest) little photo studio: Jinx & Co. I am (almost unrealistically) passionate about building a personal brand and up-leveling the visual content for your business through branding photos. Let's face it, our markets are all getting saturated. Your visual brand is how you stand out. You can learn more about me here.

Behind the Scenes Branding Photo Ideas for Product Based Businesses

So, what would you show?  The next time you take photos of your product, consider the steps of creation — and document them! A perfect example of this, was when we took Bouncing Off the Walls branding photos. She's a resin artist so we broke down her process step by step to showcase behind the scenes content for her business.

First, we took photos of the painting. Then, we took photos of her making resin. After that, we took photos of her pouring resin. And then? You guessed it: the finished product - what her ideal client is excited to hang up on their walls. And here is another little piece of advice: I know you might not be able to create your product while I watch and take photos. Instead, show up to your branding photos with each of the "steps" ready to go - regardless of if all the steps lead to exactly the same thing! 

Behind the Scenes Branding Photo Ideas for Service Based Businesses & Personal Brands/Influencers

This one can be a little harder. Depending on what you do, it's not always easy to show what goes into the final product. Not impossible though! You can see this session with Millson and Main (a graphic designer) who shows her process from sketches, to mood board creation, to drinking coffee on the regular.

Instead of 80 of the same photo of you starting at your laptop, here are a few things we can take photos of you doing (or in reality: pretending to do, since we will only have 1-2 hours together in a full branding session).

  • Anything we do for work (don't be afraid to grab screenshots of analytics, the backend of a software you use, etc)

  • You holding up your phone to make IG stories (and Instagram Reels)

  • Communicating with clients: talking on the phone, sending emails, voice messaging on voxer, getting on zoom.

  • What do you do that makes you so great at what you do? Do you brainstorm or do some research before you start working on your client's project? Do you constantly have a podcast in your ear?

As service providers, we often remind clients that they aren't just paying for our time, they are paying for our experience. SHOW THEM WHAT THIS LOOKS LIKE.

BTS Content Planning

Are you still with me? If so, I know there is a tiny voice in the back of your head thinking "my workspace is my living room" or "I can't just bring my studio to the session - it's way too messy". Listen, the same way you can bring your product in different stages of production (the before, middle, and end), we can also create a workspace that looks realistic without being *exactly* where you work.

More than that, I also encourage you to bring a little chaos. Your customers are just as sick of seeing the perfect Instagram grid, or flawless workspace as you are. I'm all for showing what's REAL and often times that means a little mess. I like to think I practice what I preach over here so you’ve probably noticed that if you follow me on Instagram.

Ready to book your branding photos?

When you are ready to plan your branding photo shoot content, I always have my clients break their process up into stages, and bring each stage to the session.  Trust me, this one step alone is worth the effort because once your customers see everything that goes into your finished product or service, they stop questioning why you charge what you do. My full branding photography packages go into DETAIL with you in our planning session so don't worry - you don't need to brainstorm alone. Head here to learn more about my package options and pricing and contact me to book your session.