Calgary Brand Photographer | KDC Coaching

Kristina of KDC Coaching is one of my bi-monthly subscription clients! We meet up every other month to take new, updated branding photos. This shoot was done in my studio, Jinx & Co.

Kristina is your friendly neighbourhood Mindfulness Mentor Implementation Coach. She teaches her clients easy to learn habits and practices to bring more kindness to themselves and accelerate the change they desire.

Learn more about KDC Coaching HERE

About our Session

This specific subscription session was shot in Jinx & Co, my Calgary brand photographer studio. Kristina wanted to utilize different areas of the space ranging from the dark grey moveable wall to the couch sitting area. She also brought her own props like a yoga mat, astrology books, and an oracle deck so the photos were really true to her personal brand.

Check out some of the images we created to tell the personal brand story of KDC Coaching
