Calgary Videographer Brand Photography - A List Studio

As a videographer, you can think it might be a bit ridiculous to get personal brand photography done, but here in Calgary that is exactly what Angela of A List Studio has chosen to do.

These brand images are here to showcase the experience she provides, act as educational pieces and to sprinkle into her on-boarding documents for her own clients. Genius right?

In our brand planning call, included with all sessions we brainstormed how her photography session would look. We needed to showcase the client relationship, what it’s like in person to work with Angela and what the BTS look like. We chose a Calgary show home location for her Brand Photography Session and brought in some models to add to the depth of what she does and show off her bubbly personality.

Check out this small snippet of what we captured or head to A List Studio’s website to see everything in action!

Check out some of the images we were able to create during our Brand Photography session for A List Studio!