How to get your clients to write better testimonials


Are you tired of seeing service providers (who aren't as good as you) get those raving testimonials? Are you wondering if you're missing something in your client experience? First, when it comes to client experience, make sure to check out this post here, but really the truth is they're probably just asking better questions. It’s a secret art to  guide your customers to say what you wan and quite frankly, it’s an art nobody is talking about. 

Don't worry. I have you covered. I believe that if you're reading this, chances are you're already good at what you do so I won't waste your time on any of that. Giving your customers an A+ experience is always the most important. But today, I'm going to tell you how to (secretly) give your customers prompts so that they write an outstanding testimonial. 

First, what problem did your business really help them solve?

This is a good question for testimonials, but also just to hear what problem they think you solved. Sometimes, it's a bit different than what you think! Want your customer to say what you want? Here’s an example of how you can guide them. 

Do you feel like you have more than enough visual content for your Instagram? 

As a branding photographer, if I ask this question BEFORE asking for a testimonial, all of a sudden testimonials I get will all say “I can’t wait to use all of these photos on Instagram. Sarah is the queen of creating quality visual content” or something like that. All because I led them with a prompt. 

Talk about the client experience.

Do you have a client experience you want to be known for? It’s not always “just” about the finished product. I was recently taking photos of someone for their new website, and was asking her about the experience. She mentioned how even though ultimately she paid for a great website and that’s what she got, the experience left a lot to be desired. If your customer had a great experience - ask them to talk about. You can say something like “I really pride myself on being easy to work with and meeting deadlines. I hope you felt that was true for you! If it was, would you mind leaving a review?”

Mention the big picture

How did the service/product impact their business and life? What’s now a little easier for them? Here’s a good one - did they leave with something different than what they came here for? Like I mentioned in the first prompt, oftentimes the problem you think you're helping them solve isn't what they walk away with. 

Here’s another example: having great photos to post on Instagram is a problem that my customers want solved. But I want my clients to talk about the BIG picture. After you elevate your visual content with personal branding photography, you start to have ideal clients reach out on Instagram and book your services faster (and at a higher price point!). That’s what I really want them to talk about.

What would you say to those considering hiring or purchasing from me?

More importantly - what were your hesitations before you booked? Was there anything you were nervous about? For example, my customers might say “I was worried about investing in high end brand photography and still hate the way I look because I always look awkward in photos. Knowing this, and prompting them to think about it before they write that testimonial,  will also help your other ideal clients who are reading your reviews and wondering “is this really for me?”

Getting Better Reviews for your Business

These are prompts to consider, to get your customers to write better testimonials but also remember: good testimonials breed better testimonials. Your new clients see what your past clients said, and they already enter the experience thinking about that. Then once you deliver your product or service, they'll write an even better testimonial. Remember, your customers want to be reassured that they booked the right person. Good testimonials are one way to do that. 

Bonus tip: Ask them to fill out a questionnaire after the product/service. That way, you can steal the “best parts” and create testimonials you can use on your website. If they have constructive feedback, you can learn from it without reading it online somewhere (most small business owners won’t even say anything negative because they know what it’s like - but this hurts you because you don’t learn from it). 

If you have any questions about this, DM me on Instagram and let's have a conversation about this. If there's a way I can help your small business succeed, let me know. And since I referenced my own business as a Calgary branding photographer so much much here, if you want all the details on my branding photography sessions, you can check out my services here. For more help growing your business, check out my mentorship packages here.