5 Ways to Invest in Your Business when Finances are Tight

First, can I just tell you how grateful I am that you ended up here? If you are reading this, it means you are likely a small business owner who believes in investing in their business. And even though your mindset is so ready to invest, the finances just quite aren’t there yet. I get it.

I do think investing in your business is important, after all, if you won’t invest in your business, how can you expect your clients to invest in you?. But I also get that 2020 has been rough. So assuming this is a finance issue (not a mindset issue), here are 5 ways to invest in your business without spending any money!

Danielle-laporte event Calgary

1) Get in the room

There is something so powerful about getting in the right rooms. If you can’t afford a ticket to an event coming up, see if they are looking to volunteer. Typically, you get access to the information (and have an opportunity to make connections) in exchange for helping take tickets at the door, handing out beverages during breaks, stapling booklets before they open. If there is an event coming to a city near you that you’re interested in, please don’t underestimate the power of getting yourself in the right rooms.

2) Network!

There is so much value in the community. As a branding photographer, I make it my mission to connect with as many small business owners in my city as possible. I have been reminded over and over again that connecting with real people is well worth the investment. If you aren’t sure where to start, I highly recommend finding your local rising tide chapter. The community was built from fellow creative business owners who value community over competition and believe that a rising tide lifts all boats. That’s a mission I can get behind! I help host the Calgary chapter and it has been one of the most rewarding parts of my business. 

3) Free Online Courses

Can I tell you a secret? Buying a course won’t solve your problems if you don’t watch the videos (AND execute what you have learned). So often, I hear from business owners that they are tired of buying courses that they just don’t finish. It’s not that the courses don’t work, but executing is half the battle. If you are looking to invest in your business but don’t have a lot of extra money, there are lots of free online courses that only require you to invest your time. Not sure where to start? I love Hubspot!

4) Free Webinars

Yes, these have started getting a bad rep because there is ALWAYS a sales pitch. Some of the webinars you attend, will even be entirely a sales pitch. Keep attending anyway. There are still a lot of webinars that are filled with valuable information! More importantly, you’ll learn what you don’t know. Make note of topics you might want to explore more in the future. Don’t be afraid to watch webinars outside of your industry too if you want to get some fresh ideas and apply them to your own business!

5) Collaborations that Benefit Both of You

By now you have noticed that I love to connect with people. If you are looking for more free ways to invest in your business, consider collaborating with another small business in a way that benefits both of you. Does your small business offer a service or product that other business owners would benefit from? I can bet it does. Find other small businesses that both need what you offer, and in turn sell a product or service you could benefit from. Other than a service share, you can also collaborate to grow your audience. Whether you participate in an Instagram takeover or donate to a giveaway, there are many ways to cross-pollinate your audiences (and therefore get access to new potential customers!).


Investing in your business

As a fellow small business owner, I can’t tell you how important it is to invest in your business. Whether you are investing your time (with one of the options above) or money (can I suggest getting some professional branding photos taken?), there is no wrong way to invest in yourself and move closer toward your goals. I’m also always sharing mini trainings and behind the scenes on my instagram, so if you are looking to uplevel your business this year, make sure to DM me to be included in my secret stories!